Adding Affiliate Network From Templates
Affiliate network selection from templates is possible if your network is included in our list of networks with preconfigured settings.
Adding a network from templates simplifies postback and offer settings. When a network is selected from the list of templates the postback URL, click ID and other additional settings will be configured automatically. You will only need to press Save button to store the settings.
If the required network is not available with BeMob templates, you should contact our team and the network will be added promptly.
To check if the required network is available in our templates it is required to follow these steps:
- go to the Affiliate Networks section;
- press New from templates;
- introduce the name of your network in the search field.
If the network is available, it will appear immediately. Click on Next to select this network.
The affiliate network template consists of two sections:
Affiliate Network Details and Additional Options.
Affiliate Network Details
This section contains the following fields:
- name.
If the network is added from the BeMob templates, this field contains the official name of affiliate network. You can change the name, but always make sure that name is unique and there are no other networks configured earlier with the same name in your BeMob account.
- postback and secure postback URLs.
Depending on the requirements of your affiliate network, you should use either postback (http) or secure postback (https). Postback URL is required to pass the conversions data from affiliate network to BeMob.
Both postback and secure postback URLs contain preconfigured tokens for click ID, payout, transaction ID and status supported with the selected network.
Press Copy button to select the required URL. Postback URL should be added in the corresponding postback field on the side of affiliate network.
Transaction ID and status tokens are not commonly supported with all the affiliate networks.
For this reason a postback URL copied from the templates might contain txid=OPTIONAL&status=OPTIONAL.
It means that the selected affiliate network has no corresponding tokens to pass the data on transaction IDs and statuses via postback.
It is required to remove txid=OPTIONAL&status=OPTIONAL part, when adding the postback on the side of affiliate network, if these parameters are not supported with your affiliate network.
If you place the postback URL with txid=OPTIONAL&status=OPTIONAL part on the side of affiliate network, the postback will still work. However to avoid any questions from the side of your affiliate manager, we suggest to remove the unsupported values.
- tags.
This is an optional configuration that allows to group and perform the search basing on keywords. More about tags see in Tags section.
Additional Options
This section contains the following settings:
- append BeMob click ID automatically.
This option allows to add the click ID automatically to each offer URL.
For this it is required to specify the corresponding click ID parameter of affiliate network in the appeared field.
With this option active you will no longer need to add &aff_param={clickId} to each offer URL from this affiliate network. The click ID value will be forwarded automatically to the affiliate network each time the offer is accessed.
If you wish to specify the click ID manually at the end of each offer URL, it is required to make sure that Append BeMob click ID value option is not selected.
- use postback statuses.
Some affiliate networks are supporting the conversion status passing through postback URL. This option allows to enrich your conversions report and track the status of conversion from newly appeared to approved or declined.
As usual the template selected from BeMob preconfigured list of affiliate networks contains the complete list of values supported with corresponding affiliate network.
The data passed in status tokens will be displayed in columns Conversions (New), Conversions (Confirmed), Conversions (Declined), Conversions (Charged).
To see the statuses of conversions in BeMob report it is required to select them from Columns Settings - click on the eye icon.
Default postback status is always selected as approved.
It means that in cases when tracker receives the conversion with unspecified status, approved status will be assigned to this conversion event.
If you wish to cut off the conversions with different statuses apart from those you have specified, it is required to select Ignore conversion from the drop-down list.
- accept double postbacks.
By default if several postback requests with the same click IDs, but no payout, unique transaction ID or status value are forwarded to the tracker, these requests will not be accepted. BeMob will show only 1 conversions which reached the report faster instead of 2 with the same click IDs.
Accept double postbacks option allows to override the default tracking settings and accept conversions with the same click IDs more than once.
Mark the checkbox if you wish to accept double postback requests.
- accept postbacks from white IPs only.
This option is required to receive the postback requests from trusted IP addresses only. The postback requests received from different IP addresses will not be accepted by BeMob.
To use the option it is required to perform the following steps:
- mark the checkbox with this option;
- introduce the list of IP addresses from which you wish to receive the postback requests.
Each single IP should be added with the new line.
If you wish to specify the IP range in the affiliate network settings, you can use the CIDR calculator to shorten the massive block to one record. To convert the IP block to short record you can use any CIDR calculator.
Click Save to store the affiliate network settings. It will appear immediately in the panel.
The network should be selected at the stage of offer settings.
If you have any questions or need the assistance with the settings, contact our support team through the live chat or at [email protected]
Updated over 4 years ago