Key performance indicators

In Row selection on the panel you can see different metrics showing campaign's performance.

ClicksA click is registered when a user clicks on the CTA button placed on a landing page, and then is redirected to your offer.

In case when direct linking option is enabled (i.e. no landing page) and a user clicks on an ad, he is redirected straight to the offer.
This event is counted as a visit.
VisitsAn event registered when a user arrives on your landing page or offer.
When a user goes through the campaign URL, visit will be registered.
ImpressionsAn event registered with uploading of special pixel along with your ad banner on a website.
Bot impressions, clicks, visitsBot events are classified according to the global bot rules that you set for your account.

When a user goes through the campaign URL for the first time, a cookie with campaign id is assigned and it expires in 24 hours.

It means that all the events that happen in these 24 hours are considered to be not unique.
ConversionsA conversion is any successful action that follows your offer. It can be registration, ordering or uploading an application etc.
Conversion statusesNew — status for new conversion
Approved — conversion with this status will be marked as confirmed and conversion revenue will be added in the report
Declined — for declined
Chargeback — conversion with this status will be marked as charged and conversion revenue will be included in a report.
ProfitRevenue - Cost
RevenueTotal revenue received in campaign for selected period
CostTotal traffic cost for selected period
CPVCost / Visits

Price for one visit paid to traffic source.
CPCCost / Clicks

Price for one click paid to traffic source.
CPC is counted for campaigns with landing page only.
CTRClicks / Visits * 100

Landing page click-through rate. CTR value reflects how often users go to the offer through your landing page.
UCTRUnique clicks / Unique visits * 100

UCTR value reflects how many unique users go to the offer through your landing page.
CRConversions / Clicks * 100

Conversion rate is defined as the number of users to a landing page that complete a desired goal (a conversion) out of the total number of users.
This value is available for campaigns with landing page and is calculated for approved conversions only.
CVConversions / Visits * 100

This value shows the number of offer visitors that complete a conversion out of the total number of visitors.
This value is counted for campaigns with direct linking.
ROIRevenue - Cost / Cost * 100

Return on investment is one of the most important success indicators for a campaign.
If ROI>0%, the campaign is profitable.
When ROI is 0, it means that revenue is equal to cost.
In case when ROI < 0%, your campaign is unprofitable.
EPVRevenue / Visits

Earn Per Visit counts revenue value from one visit.
When CV increases, EPV becomes higher.
If EPV>CPV, your campaign is profitable.
EPCRevenue / Clicks

Earn Per Click indicates revenue value from one click.
EPC is counted for campaigns with landing pages only.
APRevenue / Conversions
Average price
CTR, 1/x1 : Visits / Clicks
CR, 1/x1 : Clicks / Conversions
CV, 1/x1 : Visits / Conversions