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live visits

What's the time frame set up for live visits reports? There's no way to set any date range.

invalid dns record

Hello, I am trying to use a domain. It shows an error that reads, "invalid dns record." What does this error mean? How can I fix it? The domain is www.thegreatspringgiveaway.com I was able to successfully add it as a domain a couple days ago but now Bemob won't let me use it. Thank you. Raphael Riordan

Добавьте статус ТРЕШ в настройки постбека.

Добавьте статус ТРЕШ в настройки постбека. так как трэш часто используется как тестовые заявки когда надо проверить правильность всех настроек. так же статус треш очень часто применяется к ошибочным заявкам. http://onlinebrend.ru/img/152338418688_kiss_37kb.jpg

What is "Uniqueness period"?

What is "Uniqueness period" mean when creating a Campaign; default setting is 24 -- Just wondering what this option does. Thank you.

Adding multiple custom columns

Hi, Is it possible to be able to show multiple custom columns in the reporting of campaigns and landers? A the moment you can only select one at a time but it would be good if you could add multiple such as "adid" + "query" + "device". Did you know you're missing {QueryString} and {Keyword} from the Bing traffic source template? Cheers Neil

Dominio de seguimiento

¿Como agrego un dominio de seguimiento mi dominio lo tengo en sered.net?

I dont see the placements

http://prntscr.com/hyn4bj When i drill down the campaign i dont see placements. I suspect its something wrong with my tags on the offer url? br johan

Conversion firing without an affiliate network

Hi there! We are having massive problems trying to figure how out to fire a conversion when a user successfully registers. The problem is that my client does not use hasoffers or cake. They put the conversion pixel on the thank you page, but it still doesnt register. How do we resolve this? Been 1 month and we still cant figure it out!

Landing Secret Key

I want to know how do I add the landing secret key to my landing page?

Quick question

how can i connect Bemob to my affiliate landing page created with WordPress ?